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Guide to Hobbying/新手小冊









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發表於 2023-1-28 20:49:42 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Whether you are a newbie to hobbying or have been hobbying for a while, I have a few pointers for us to have a more enjoyable time.  Some of these are my advice to you.  Take it for what it's worth, I have a few wise words here.

You will probably find a few reviews here that pique your interest and then your tummy have butterflies a bit.  And in a few moments later, you finally gathered the courage to book with an agency or a provider.  Time is set, location is given so what's next?  What do you do upon arrival?  How should you act?

Some advice I have developed over the years....

1) Act normal
When you go see a provider, especially when you go to a condo building. Chances are, if you look like a "john" the security guard will KNOW you are a "john". Act normally when you enter the building as if you live there.

2) Be normal
A provider is there to provide service, no different than a wait staff at a restaurant or a sales at a store.  They are there to provide a service and the service happens to be more intimate.  Treat the person as you would any normal person will go a long way.

3) Leave valuables
This is really to keep everyone honest.  May be you dropped it on your way to the location or you spent it somewhere and you forgot.  In the end, it is your responsibilities to keep your valuables (watches, money, wallets etc) in a safe place.

4) Be safe
This applies to many aspects. Be it the location or the provider itself.  If the location is in a shady part of town, may be don't go.  If the provider looks messy or unclean, may be consider don't proceed.  i.e. If they look unclean, you still want to bareback them in any way, that's ultimately on you.  Use your brain for better judgement.  

5) Get Tested
Get tested regularly to make sure you are safe to be intimate with others.  Especially if you have a significan other, you do not want to give them something.  And when it comes to provider, because if they are your favorite, you want to be able to see her again.

6) Be responsible
Be it with your money, emotions or time.  Ultimately this is a hobby, know what your limits are.  Don't spend too much money if you don't have it.  Don't spend too much emotion on a provider even though they may blow your mind.  Don't leave for your kid's soccer game to go see a provider when the time is better spent on your own life.

7) Don't get emotional
Doesn't matter how good a provider is to you, in the end, you have to be an adult and separate what's real and what's an act.  You are paying for a service that the other person can be whatever you want them to be.  Mindful of the act and know where to draw the line.

8) Be respectful
Both to the providers you see and your significant other.  We are all human beings and we should treat each other with respect.  Don't force something upon a provider when they don't want it.  And with your significant other, what they don't know can't hurt them.

9) Don't be afraid to pass
If someone doesn't meet your expectation, do yourself a favour and pass.  You are spending money to have fun, make sure you are having fun doing it.


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