本帖最後由 Journey 於 2024-1-30 13:51 編輯
Iris face 7 real young, 20-22 years old, CBC look, doesn't look like Chinese international student the ad claimsBody: 8 slender and tall, boob not very big, natural which I like, remind me of Yuri which I love very much
Service : 7 not service queen type but gfe, you have to lead, great dfk, open to many positions
Attitude: 7.5-8
Dmg: 650/h, 1200/2h, repeated 4-5 times, service lacking with every visit, will not repeat anymore
Rita face 6.5-7, cute gnd younger than iris , 19-20
Body; 7, not my type but has a bit of meat, real boob, short girl
Service: 6 very green, definitely new to the industry, avoid if you looking for any service at all, you have to lead for almost everything
Attitude: 7 politely declined many positions, cheerful though, don't know how to describe it
Dmg: 650/h, repeat no, you pay for the youth age that's about it,
Kelly face 7 southern Chinese girl age estate 25-29
Body: 7 slender type with black long hair,
Service: 5 not a good gfe experience, not much dfk and can't take action for longer than 10min
Attitude: 6 doesn't feel like passinate gfe
Dmg: 550/h, repeat: no